E.V. Kayukova, T.A. Ignatenko
Chita State Medical Academy, Chita
Kayukova Elena V. ― Doct. of Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Oncology of the Chita State Medical Academy
39a Gorky Str., Chita, 672000, Russian Federation., tel.: +7-914-520-83-04, (3022) 35-43-24, e-mail: elena_pochta22@mail.ru, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4682-1811, SPIN-code: 1066-9708
Abstract. Nutritional deficiency (ND) can occures at any stage of the treatment and diagnostic process of cancer patients is typical for 46-88% cancer patients ; but, this the condition remains undiagnosed in 30-70% of cancer patients, which leads to a significant deterioration of health status, quality of life, and effectiveness of the treatment.
The aim of the study is to examine the significance of constructing a mobile app (MA) for oncological patients to diagnose and correct ND.
Material and methods of research. 178 oncological patients were included in the prospective study using questionnaire. Questionnaire has been developed to examine the level of use of mobile devices in everyday life and to determine whether there is a need for a ND diagnostic and correction MA. Diagnostics of ND among respondents was carried out according to RUSSCO recommendations. ND was found in 41/178 (23,0%) patients. The indicators were analyzed using χ2 criterion and determining the significance p.
Results. The women most often used full range of telephone options, including MA. Despite their decreased usage of gadgets, patients over the age of 50 are more inclined to use a step-by-step algorithm for correcting ND. The level of education of respondents does not affected the needs of working with MA for diagnostics ND. The maximum demand for MA to diagnose and correct ND was expressed by respondents age 50 (c2=15,9; p=0,007), patients who were pretreated with malignant neoplasm (c2=4,049; p=0,044), and patients with ND (c2=20,2; p<0,001). MA was necessary for many oncological patients without ND, in percentage terms 79/137 (57,7%). The localization of the tumor process, sex, education do not affect the need to use MA.
Conclusion. During the study, it was found that developing an MA`s for diagnosing and correcting ND among oncological patients, which is relevant in the era of digitalization of healthcare, given the lack of thematic analogues in the market.
Key words: nutritional deficiency, cancer, mobile app, digitalization of health care, availability of medical services.