1. General provisions
When submitting an article to the editorial board, it is recommended to follow the following rules, which were developed taking into account the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals”, developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
“Povolzhsky Oncologichesky Vestnik supports the principles of editorial ethics of The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE https://publicationethics.org/).
The journal “Povolzhsky Oncologichesky Vestnik” is a peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal with a frequency of 4 issues per year.
Articles are accepted in two languages: Russian and English.
The journal publishes reviews, lectures, original articles, short communications, notes from the practice of fundamental, clinical and experimental oncology and surgery.
Structure of the journal: epidemiological studies, clinical studies, laboratory and experimental studies, experience of oncological institutions, reviews, cases from clinical practice, anniversaries, obituaries.
The journal is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals published in the Russian Federation, in which scientific results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences should be published.
The journal is indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
The journal has a website: http://oncovestnik.ru
Also all issues of the journal are presented on the website: www.elibrary.ru.
Publication of articles is free of charge for the author(s).
The Editorial Board reserves the right to reduce, literary editing of articles accepted for publication to improve their clarity, brevity and quality.
Rejected manuscripts cannot be resubmitted. We hope that the reviews will help the authors to correct the article and send it to another journal.
If a corrected article is not received from the authors within two months of the request, the article will be considered withdrawn. At the request of the authors, the deadline for correcting the article may be revised.
2. Conditions for publishing an article
The article must be relevant, have novelty, performed on a modern methodological and methodological level
Compliance with the “Ethical Principles of Scientific Medical Research Involving Human Subjects” and the “Rules of Clinical Practice in the Russian Federation”.
Research projects that require the use of experimental animals were carried out in accordance with the principles of humanity set out in the European Community directives (86/609/EEC) and the Declaration of Helsinki, in accordance with the “Rules of work with the use of experimental animals.
The scientific results in the article must be processed by correct statistical methods.
The article has not been previously published in another journal.
The article is not under consideration in another journal.
The article must conform to the rules of formatting.
The article must be accompanied by an official referral from the institution in which the work was done, Cover letter form (fill in, sign by all authors, sign at the head, attest with the round seal of the institution, scan and upload as an additional file when submitting the manuscript to the editors (in *.pdf or *.jpg format). The file should be titled “Surname, initials of the first author. Cover letter.” A separate cover letter must be submitted for each organization listed in the manuscript.
All authors should sign the License Agreement, scan and upload as an additional file in *.pdf or *.jpg format when submitting the manuscript to the editors. The file should be named “Surname, initials of the first author. License agreement”.
3. Manuscript submission procedure
Articles and accompanying documents should be sent to the editorial board electronically to the address of the executive secretary: klg5@mail.ru, Karpenko L.G., +79872902336.
In printed form – to the address: 420012, Kazan, Butlerova str.
Identification of authorship. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) has adopted 4 criteria for authorship:
Substantial contribution to the conception or planning of a scholarly work or to the reception, analysis, or interpretation of that work;
Drafting or critical revision of the manuscript with valuable intellectual content;
Final approval of the published version of the manuscript;
Agreement to assume responsibility for all aspects of the work and assurance that all questions concerning the accuracy and integrity of any part of the work can be properly investigated and resolved.
All persons designated as authors must meet all four criteria for authorship, and all persons meeting these four criteria must be identified as authors. Persons who do not meet all four criteria should be mentioned in the article in the Acknowledgements/Acknowledgments section in Russian, English.
It is necessary to indicate the authors’ contribution (Contribution) to the article (in Russian and English).
Ivanov A.A. – development of the concept of scientific work, statistical processing, manuscript drafting.
Petrov A.A. – analysis of scientific work, critical revision with the introduction of valuable intellectual content.
Types of articles and their characteristics
Original research: up to 6000 words, up to 40 references
Lectures, reviews: up to 6000 words, up to 60 references
Clinical cases: up to 4000 words, up to 20 references
Abstract length – 250-300 words.
Number of key words – 5-7
In the case when the volume of the article exceeding the norms, in the opinion of the author, is justified and cannot be reduced, the decision on the publication is made at the meeting of the editorial board on the recommendation of the reviewer.
Manuscript text format
- font of the main text “Times New Roman”
- font size of the main text 14 points
- line spacing 1.5
- margins at the top and bottom, left and right – 20 mm
- width alignment
- continuous pagination
Manuscript structure
Manuscript (two blocks of information in one file: Russian and English) – “Manuscript” file.
Original articles should have the following sections:
Introduction. The section reveals the relevance of the research on the basis of the literature reference, highlights the state of the issue with references to the most significant publications. At the end of the introduction the purpose is formulated, reflecting the need for research.
Materials and methods. Detailed description of all aspects of the study design: inclusion and exclusion criteria of patients, basic and additional evaluated parameters, research methods, used equipment, methods and principles of distribution into groups, methods of statistical analysis. The research methods described must guarantee the reproducibility of the results. When listing the equipment used, the manufacturer and country are given in parentheses; when listing the drugs and chemicals used in the course of work, their international nonproprietary (commonly used) names, doses, and routes of administration.
If required, please indicate which ethics committee approved the study (cite its conclusion, document number, date of signature, and official name of the ethics committee), the fact that the subjects signed an informed consent, or that the rules of bioethics (rights of laboratory animals) were observed.
A description of the statistical analysis procedure is an integral component of the “Materials and Methods” section. A complete list of all statistical methods of analysis and hypothesis testing criteria used should be given.
Statistical methods should be described in detail, so that it is possible to verify the results obtained. The description and presentation of the results of the statistical analysis should follow the Statistical Analysis and Methods in the Published Literature Manual (http://osdm.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/SAMPL.pdf).
Results. Presented clearly in the form of short descriptions of the results of their own study with references to graphs, tables and figures, without references to literature sources, without elements of discussion, without repeating methodological details, without duplication of numerical data given in tables and figures.
Discussion. Highlighting new and important aspects on the results of the study, analysis of possible mechanisms or interpretation of the results, comparison of own results with the data of other researchers. It is possible to include reasonable recommendations for clinical practice and application of the data received in the forthcoming researches. The section should conclude with a statement of the strengths and weaknesses of the study in comparison with existing analogues. Repetition of information from the “Introduction” section and detailed listing of data from the “Results” section should be avoided.
Conclusion. Should be brief and concise. A summary of the work done and the authors’ hypothesis about the significance of the findings in the pathogenesis, treatment, diagnosis, the prospects for using the findings.
CONSORT standards are used to write original articles (http://www.consort-statement.org/checklists/view/32–consort-2010/66-title)
Review articles
Should contain an analysis of the literature on the current topic with the presentation of current sources (mainly in the last 7 years). Abstracts of review articles should contain information on methods of literature search in Web of Science, Scopus, MedLine, The Cochrane Library, RSCI and other databases. The bibliography should contain references to highly cited articles from Web of Science and Scopus.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse to publish the review without reviewing if the Editorial Board or the Editorial Board decides that the journal is not currently interested in publishing the review on the proposed topic. It is advisable to agree in advance on the possibility of submitting a review by e-mailing the title of the review and a detailed summary (reflecting the purpose of writing the review, the subject area and the central idea of the review, the target readership, the presence in the review of data obtained by the authors personally, and any other aspects) of at least 300 and no more than 600 words
Clinical Case
A report of a rare clinical case of interest. The clinical case should be well illustrated and include a discussion of the issue using data from the literature.
Russian-language information block
UDC index
The title of the article should be informative, brief enough (no more than 150-200 characters with spaces), reflecting the content of the work.
Authors. The surname should be given after the initials of the name and patronymic (I.A. Ivanov).
The affiliation includes the name of the organization and the mailing address with the country, city, and zip code. If authors from different institutions took part in writing the manuscript, it is necessary to correlate the names of the institutions and the names of the authors by adding numerical indices in upper case after the names of the institutions and the names of the corresponding authors. Authors should indicate all places of work relevant to the study.
Contact person – author responsible for correspondence with the editorial board, phone number, e-mail (only e-mail will be published).
UDC: 618.146-006.6-08:615.28
V.I. Ivanova 1, L.A. Petrova 1,2
RESEARCH INSTITUTE …. 5 Kooperativniy lane, Tomsk, 634009, Russia 1
SBEE HPE “Siberian State ……., 634050, Tomsk…, Russia2
Valentina Ivanova, e-mail: …………………
Abstract (250-300 words). The abstract should be brief and accurately reveal the content of the manuscript. Since abstracts are independent of the article for placement in various scientific databases (e.g., Web of Science, Scopus, MEDLINE), they should briefly summarize the purpose of the study and the experimental methodology, results, and data interpretations. Data such as the number of patients or experimental animals in the study and control groups, animal species and virus strains, drug dosages and routes of administration, tumor characteristics and latency periods should be included. Vague general statements such as “The significance of the results is discussed” or “Some physical properties have been studied” should be avoided. Important terms relevant to the content of the manuscript should be included in the abstract to help indexers and searchers. Abbreviations should be kept to an absolute minimum, but if they are necessary, they should be explained when first mentioned in the abstract. No references are given in the abstract.
Keywords. Five to seven keywords reflecting the content of the article and contributing to the indexing of the article in search engines should be specified.
Article. The structure of the full text may vary depending on the type of the manuscript. The requirements to the structure of the full text of each type of manuscript are described above.
List of references. The rules for the formatting of the article references are described in a separate section (see below).
List of abbreviations
Information on authors (full name, academic degree, position, organization, city, country, e-mail, phone, SPIN-code (RSCI), Researcher ID (WOS), Author ID (Scopus), ORCID)
Information about financing. It is necessary to indicate the source of financing of both scientific work and the article publication process (foundation, commercial or state organization, private person, etc.). It is not required to indicate the amount of funding.
Information about conflicts of interest. Authors must disclose potential and apparent conflicts of interest related to the manuscript. Any situation (financial relations, service or work in institutions having financial or political interest in published materials, official duties, etc.) that could influence the author of the manuscript and lead to concealment, distortion of data, or change their interpretation can be considered a conflict of interest. The presence of a conflict of interest of one or more authors is not a reason to refuse to publish an article. Concealment of potential and apparent conflicts of interest on the part of the authors, as detected by the editorial board, may be a reason to refuse consideration and publication of a manuscript.
Acknowledgements. Authors may express gratitude to people and organizations who contributed to the publication of the article in the journal, but are not its authors.
Contributions of the authors
English-language information block
Article title. English-language title should be literate in terms of English, while the meaning is fully consistent with the Russian-language title
Author names. Names should be written in accordance with the foreign passport, or the same as in previously published in foreign journals articles. Authors who publish for the first time and do not have foreign passports should use the BSI transliteration standard (see below).
Affiliation. It is necessary to indicate the OFFICIAL ENGLISH NAME of the institution (the most complete list of names of institutions and their official English versions can be found on the site of Scientific Electronic Library: eLibrary.ru), mail address, country.
Abstract. The English-language version of the abstract should be completely corresponding to the Russian-language one in sense and structure and should be competent from the point of view of the English language.
Key words. Specify from 5 to 7 keywords. For the choice of key words in English the thesaurus of the US National Library of Medicine -Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) should be used.
Conflict of interest
Author contributions
Units of Measurement and Abbreviations
Units of measurement are given in the International System of Units (SI). If the study was carried out on the devices that give indicators in other units, it is necessary to convert them to the SI system with the indication of the conversion factor or a computer program in the “Materials and methods” section.
Abbreviations of words are not allowed, except for generally accepted ones. All abbreviations in the text of the article must be fully deciphered at the first mentioning.
The names of genes are written in italics; the names of proteins are written in regular font.
Illustrative material
Illustrative materials are photos, drawings, diagrams, charts, graphs, tables. Files of illustrative material should allow reproduction of high quality images in the electronic and printed versions of the journal.
If the illustrative material has been previously published in other editions, the author must provide to the editorial board the permission of the copyright holder to publish this image in another journal, otherwise it will be considered plagiarism and will not be accepted for publication.
The number of illustrations should correspond to the volume of the information provided; excessive illustrations can lead to the return of the article to the authors for revision for reduction.
Illustrative material should be placed after the text of the article, since the reviewer and editor are looking at the manuscript as a whole. However, for printing in the journal (at the stage of making the layout), graphs, diagrams and drawings are required in electronic version.
Illustrative material should be numbered sequentially in the order of mention in the text and accompanied by references in appropriate places in parentheses: (Figure 1), (Table 1).
Illustrative material should be presented as separate files.
The files should be named: Name of the first author. Type of illustrative material and ordinal number in the text.
Example: Ivanov V.A. Figure 1, Ivanov V.A. Figure 2, etc.; Ivanov V.A. Table 1, Ivanov V.A. Table 2, etc.
Photos are accepted in TIFF, JPG formats with resolution not less than 300 dpi (dots per inch).
The figures (diagrams, charts, schemes, drawings and other illustrations) should be contrasting and clear, and should be presented in different color variants: black-and-white, grayscale, color in electronic formats jpg, gif, bmp, png with resolution not less than 300 dpi.
Tables. Tables are submitted as editable text, not as images. Tables should be clear, complementary, but not duplicative of text and figures. Each table should have a sequential number corresponding to the first mention of it in the text and a short title placed above the table. Each column in the table must have a short title (abbreviations can be used). All explanations and abbreviations used in the tables are deciphered in a note. It is necessary to indicate the statistical method used for the analysis and the corresponding exact value of statistical significance (p), indicating the level of statistical significance as p<0,05 is not allowed. All information contained in the table, including its title and note (if any), must be translated into English.
Captions for illustrations
Captions for illustrations should be presented on a separate page.
Each figure or photograph should have a common title and a transcription of all abbreviations. The captions to the graphs indicate the symbols on the abscissa and ordinate axes and the units of measurement; explanations for each curve are given. The captions to microphotographs indicate the method of staining and magnification.
All captions for the illustrations should be translated into English.
Supplementary Material
The Editorial Board accepts from the authors of the articles any video and audio materials designed to help readers more fully disclose and understand the scientific research. This can be a brief webinar-style presentation, a video recording of an experiment or a medical manipulation. Additional materials can be posted in the electronic version of the journal.
References, References List
The reference list should follow the format recommended by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) for the Library’s MEDLINE/PubMed database NLM: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine.
The bibliographic description of each source must include ALL AUTHORS. It is unacceptable to abbreviate the title of the article. The name of English-language journals should be given in accordance with the MedLine database title directory. If a journal is not indexed in MedLine, its full name should be given. The names of Russian journals should not be abbreviated.
If the source has a doi, it must be given at the end of the record.
Each source should be placed on a new line under a serial number. In the list, all papers are listed in citation order, NOT in alphabetical order.
In the text of the article, references to sources are given in square brackets in Arabic numerals.
It is not recommended to include theses and dissertations in the list of references, since it is difficult to familiarize oneself with them, as well as dissertation abstracts whose main content is presented in the cited publications, references to which seem to be more correct. References to abstracts are also undesirable.
References to Russian-language sources should be followed by a Latin-language description in square brackets.
A sample of Russian-language references with transliteration and translation:
Chernov V.I., Medvedeva A.A., Sinilkin I.G., Zelchan R.V., Bragina O.D. Development of radiopharmaceuticals for radionuclide diagnostics in oncology. MedicalVisualization. 2016; 2: 63-66. [Chernov V.I., Medvedeva A.A., Sinilkin I.G., Zeltchan R.V., Bragina O.D. Development Radiopharmaceuticals for Nuclear Medicine in Oncology. Medical Visualization. 2016; 2: 63-66. (in Russian)].
If there is no translation of the main information in the publication (primary source) to which you are referring (you can check on the website: elibrary.ru), then we present as follows:
Author(s) – transliteration
Title of the book or article – transliteration into English
Source – transliteration or, if available, the official title in English
The output data in digital format
Specify the language of the publication in brackets (in Russian)
Technology of links to Russian-language sources using transliteration system:
Website: http://translit.ru
Choose BSI (British Standard) transliteration system
Insert the text for transliteration in a special field and click “transliteration” button.
Bibliographic description of journal articles:
Tsyganov M.M., Rodionov E.O., Miller S.V., Litvyakov N.V. Rationale for the use of expression markers for personalization of lung cancer chemotherapy. Antibiotics and chemotherapy. 2015; 60 (9-10): 38-45. [Tsyganov M.M., Rodionov E.O., Miller S.V., Litvyakov N.V. Substantiation of expressive markers use to personalize lung cancer chemotherapy. Antibiotics and Chemotherapy. 2015; 60 (9-10): 38-45. (in Russian)].
Rastan S, Hough T, Kierman A, Hardisty R, Erven A, Gray IC, Voeling S, Isaacs A, Tsai H, Strivens M, Washbourne R, Thornton C, Greenaway S, Hewitt M, McCormick S, Selley R, Wells C, Tymowska-Lalanne Z, Roby P, Mburu P, Rogers D, Hagan J, Reavill C, Davies K, Glenister P, Fisher EM, Martin J, Vizor L, Bouzyk M, Kelsell D, Guenet JL, Steel KP, Sheardown S, Spurr N, Gray I, Peters J, Nolan PM, Hunter AJ, Brown SD. Towards a mutant map of the mouse–new models of neurological, behavioral, deafness, bone, renal, and blood disorders. Genetica. 2004 Sep; 122(1): 47-9.
Variants of bibliographic descriptions of journal articles (examples): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7282/
Bibliographic description of books:
Example: Gantsev Sh.H. Lymph node and its microenvironment in cancer. Atlas. М., 2018. 288 c. [Gantsev Sh.Kh. Lymph node and its microenvironment for cancer. Atlas. M., 2018. 288 р. (in Russian)].
Variants of bibliographic descriptions of books (examples):
Bibliographic description of patents:
Bibliographic description of foreign patents:
Example: Cho ST, inventor; Hospira, Inc., assignee. Microneedles for minimally invasive drug delivery. United States patent US 6,980,855. 2005 Dec 27.
Bibliographic description of the Russian patents:
Diagram of the bibliographic description of Russian patents:
Full name of the inventor, applicant, patentee; Name of the applicant’s institution. Name of the invention. Designation of the document type, number, country name, index of the international classification of inventions. Registration number of the application; Filing date; Date of publication, information about the published document. Example:
A.V. Lantsova, N.A. Oborotova, O.L. Orlova, A.P. Polozkova, Z.S. Sprakh, E.V. Sanarova, Z.S. Smirnova, M.P. Kiseleva, L.M. Borisova, E.V. Ignatyeva, I.D. Guliakin Antineoplastic agent. Patent of the Russian Federation № 2572691. Application. 09.10.2014; Republished 20.01.2016. [Lantsova A.V., Oborotova N.A., Orlova O.L., Polozkova A.P., Shprakh Z.S., Sanarova E.V., Smirnova Z.S., Kiseleva M.P., Borisova L.M., Ignat’eva E.V., Gulyakin I.D. Antitumor agent. The patent of the Russian Federation No 2572691. 20.01.2016 (in Russian)].
Variants of bibliographic descriptions of patents (examples): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7260/
Bibliographic description of remote access resources:
Example: Complementary/Integrative Medicine [Internet]. Houston: University of Texas, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center; c2007 [cited 2007 Feb 21]. URL: http://www.mdanderson.org/departments/CIMER/.
Options for bibliographic description of remote access resources (examples):
Preparation of articles
To submit an article, authors must confirm the following points. The manuscript may be returned to the authors if it does not correspond to them.
The article has not been previously published or submitted for review and publication in another journal.
The file of the submitted article is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document format.
The affiliation includes: the name of the organization, full mailing address (zip code, city, street, house, country).
The information about the authors contains the degree, position, organization, identification codes: SPIN -code (RSCI), Researcher ID (WOS), Author ID (Scopus), ORCID)
The list of references is arranged in the order of mention in the article according to the “Rules for Authors” with indication of DOI.
There are no dissertations, abstracts, and theses in the lists of references.
In the lists of references the sources for the last 7 years were used.
Summary of review articles contains information about chronological coverage of literature and search by databases Scopus, Web of Science, MedLine, The Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Global Health, CyberLeninka, RSCI and others.
The text is typed with 1.5 line spacing; a font size of 14 points is used.
All illustrations, graphs and tables are located at the end of the document (for the convenience of editors) and attached as separate files (for high-quality printing)
The “Cover letter” file is attached
License agreement” attached
Authors who publish articles in this journal agree to the following:
The authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right to first publish the work, which, after 6 months of publication, is automatically licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License , which allows others to distribute the work in question, with mandatory links to the authors of the original work and the original publication in this journal.
Authors have the right to post their work to the Internet (e.g., institutional repository or personal website) before and during the review process of this journal, as this can lead to productive discussion and more links to the work (See The Effect of Open Access).
The names and email addresses entered on this journal site will be used solely for the purposes designated by this journal and will not be used for any other purpose or shared with other individuals or organizations.