K.V. Shklyaev1, M.V. Burmistrov1,2, V.Yu. Matveev1,3

1Republican Clinical Hospital, Kazan

2Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan

3Kazan State Medical University, Kazan

Shklyaev Konstantin V. ― thoracic surgeon of the surgical thoracic department № 2 of the Republican Clinical Hospital

138 Orenburgsky Trakt, Kazan, 420064, Russian Federation, tel. +7-917-278-23-20, e-mail

 Abstract. Despite the development of surgery, the active introduction of endoscopic interventions, radiation diagnostic methods, the problem of choosing the optimal tactics for treating patients with thoracoabdominal wounds is still relevant today. This article presents a clinical case of a patient with multiple thoracoabdominal injury with medical care at various stages, from the district hospital to the republican clinic.

Key words: thoracoabdominal injury, chest trauma, diaphragmatic rupture, videothoracoscopy, pleural empyema.