A.E. Orlov1,2, O.I. Kaganov1,2, S.A. Babanov2, S.A. Frolov1, A.N. Somov1, I.V. Okuneva1, A.M. Kozlov1,2

1Samara Regional Clinical Oncology Center, Samara

2Samara State Medical University, Samara

Frolov Sergey A. ― Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Head of the Department of Abdominal Oncology of the Samara Regional Clinical Oncology Center

50 Solnechnaya Str., Samara, 443031, Russian Federation, tel. (846) 994-76-77, e-mail: frol_ser@mail.ru

Abstract. In Samara region colorectal cancer has taken a leading position in the structure of the incidence of oncological diseases in recent years.

The aim of the study is to optimize preventive work in the region aimed at preventing the development of colorectal cancer and improving the detection of this disease at early stages.

Material and methods. In addition to the activities provided by the program of dispanserisation of the adult population, the oncological service of the region proposed a number of organizational solutions: the program «Men’s health» was introduced, the target audience of which was men 40-60 years old; the programs of examinations at manufactures and offices of the region, carried out by the regional center of pathology associated with the profession, have been optimized; active educational activities are carried out by the department of medical prevention of the regional oncological center.

Results. The introduced approaches allowed increasing the coverage of the population with preventive examinations and increasing the number of patients with diagnosed colon polyps. Extremely important is the work aimed at shaping the ideology and motivation of the population to actively maintain health.

Key words: colorectal cancer, prevention, screening.