K.V. Menshikov1,2, A.V. Sultanbaev1, Sh.I. Musin1, A.A. Izmaylov1,2, I.A. Menshikova2, A.F. Nasretdinov1, N.I. Sultanbaeva1, D.O. Lipatov2
1Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary, Ufa
2Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa
Menshikov Konstantin V. ― Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor of the Department of Oncology with courses on oncology and pathological anatomy of IAPE of the Bashkir State Medical University; oncologist of the Department of Chemotherapy of the Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary
73/1 Oktyabrya Ave., Ufa, 450054, Russian Federation, tel. +7-917-348-82-51, e-mail: kmenshikov80@bk.ru, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3734-2779
Abstract. According to GLOBOCAN, in 2018 there were about 18.1 million new cases of cancer and 9.6 million deaths from malignant neoplasms worldwide. Targeted drugs are superior to traditional chemotherapeutic drugs in selectivity, efficacy and safety, acting on certain targets, they are involved in the prevention of metastasis with minimal activity in relation to normal cells. To date, at least 58 receptor tyrosine kinases and 32 non-receptor tyrosine kinases have been identified. One of the modern tyrosine kinase inhibitors is cabozantinib. Cabozantinib is a pantyrosine kinase inhibitor for VEGFR-1/2/3, c-Kit, c-Met and FLT-3 receptors. Cabozantinib was compared with sunitinib in the CABOSUN, a randomized, open-label phase II trial, in mRCC patients with intermediate or poor prognosis according to IMDC criteria. The CABOSUN study showed an improvement in PFS with cabozantinib versus sunitinib; median PFS was 8.2 months versus 5,6 months. The Phase III CheckMate-9ER trial also demonstrated a benefit of the combination of cabozantinib and nivolumab over sunitinib. An analysis was made of the treatment of 51 patients diagnosed with advanced renal cell carcinoma in the period from 2020 to 2021. Cabozantinib was received by 48 patients (16,2%) alone and 3 patients (1%) in combination with nivolumab. The data obtained in routine clinical practice were consistent with those in clinical trials.
Key words: metastatic renal cell carcinoma, tyrosine kinase inhibitor, cabozantinib, checkpoint inhibitor, nivolumab, targeted therapy.