A.V. Sultanbaev1, A.A. Izmaylov1,2, K.V. Menshikov1,2, Sh.I. Musin1, A.F. Nasretdinov1, I.A. Menshikova2, N.I. Sultanbaeva1, V.S. Chalov3

1Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary, Ufa

2Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa

3Center PET-Technology LLC OP «Center for Nuclear Medicine of Ufa», Ufa

Sultanbaev Aleksandr V. ― Cand. of Sci. (Med.), oncologist, Head of the Department of Anticancer Drug Therapy of Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary

73/1 Oktyabrya Ave., Ufa, 450054, Russian Federation, tel. +7-905-002-22-95, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0996-5995

Abstract. In Western Europe, prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor among malignant neoplasms in men. In oncology, thanks to molecular genetic research in recent years, the genetic characteristics of the etiology and pathogenesis of prostate cancer have been exponentially studied. Patients with hereditary forms of malignant tumors associated with mutations in the BRCA 1/2 genes make up a special proportion of the group of patients with prostate cancer. An important stage in the examination of patients with malignant neoplasms is medical and genetic counseling. This stage allows you to identify signs of a hereditary form of the disease. The identification of a mutation in the BRCA 1/2 genes makes it possible to personalize the approach to the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer.

We present a clinical observation of a patient with prostate cancer with a family history and the presence of a mutation in the BRCA 1 gene. It should be noted that the detection of mutations in the BRCA gene improves the results of early detection of malignant neoplasms. Screening measures aimed at finding germline mutations in a healthy population can improve the early detection of malignant neoplasms. The use of olaparib in the detection of mutations in one of the genes for homologous DNA recombination (HRRm) in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer allows to achieve an increase in the life expectancy of patients with a favorable toxicity profile.

Key words: prostate cancer, hereditary cancer, BRCA 1/2, olaparib.