V.N. Diomidova1, А.N. Dmitrieva1,2
1Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary
2Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary, Cheboksary
Diomidova Valentina N. ― D. Sc. (medicine), Head of the Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutic with a course of radiation diagnosis of the Ulyanov Chuvash State University
15 Moskovsky Ave., Cheboksary, the Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation, 428015, tel. (8352) 45-26-97, e-mail: diomidovavn@rambler.ru.
The aim of the study ― an analysis of the epidemiology of morbidity stomach cancer (SC) and esophagogastric junction cancer (EGJC) among the population, living on the territory of Chuvash Republic (CR), and the comparison of relevant Republican indicators with average statistical data of Russian Federation.
Material and methods. As material and methods of retrospective analysis statistical data from official sources was used as input for a retrospective analysis of morbidity SC and EGJC among the population of Chuvash Republic Russian Federation. A comparative analysis and statistical processing of the data obtained were conducted as well.
Results. According to the data of 2018, stomach cancer is the 2nd against the morbidity rate of malignant tumor and the 6th against the mortality rate among the population of Russian Federation. From January 2015 to December 2019 on the territory of Chuvash Republic 166 patients were diagnosed tumor pathology of esophagogastric junction, 128 of which (75,74%) were detected the EGJC. The proportion of EGJC in the structure of stomach cancer was 11,64%. The age of the patients with EGJC fluctuated between 35 and 87 years old, middle age ― 63,81±10,71 years old. Since the moment the patients had been diagnosed with EGJC, the mortality during the first year among them was ― 57%. Such high level of mortality is caused with a frequent percentage of late diagnosis of EGJC ― 73,4% of patients were diagnosed with stage III and IV of the disease.
Conclusion. It was established that, on the territory of CR the rate of late diagnosis of EGJC and the mortality during the first year from the date of the initial diagnosis higher than similar patterns of stomach cancer in Russian Federation although in general the morbidity and mortality of stomach cancer in CR are lower than the same ones in Russian Federation.
Key words: epidemiology, morbidity, mortality, stomach cancer, esophagogastric junction cancer.