F.Sh. Akhmetzyanov1,2, N.V. Fedotova1,2, G.N. Khusainova2
1Kazan State Medical University, Kazan
2Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary of Ministry of Healthcare of Tatarstan Republic named after prof. M.Z. Sigal, Kazan
Fedotova Natalia V. ― postgraduate student of the Department of Oncology, Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy of the Kazan State Medical University
49 Butlerov Str., Kazan, 420012, Russian Federation, tel. +7-912-829-39-39, e-mail: realanata@mail.ru, ORCID ID: 0009-0000-7096-345X
Abstract. Stomach cancer remains one of the most common malignant neoplasms in Russia and the world. The high mortality rate is primarily due to the absence of specific symptoms at an early stage and the late onset of diagnostic measures. The «gold» standard of surgical treatment of gastric cancer is gastrectomy D2. Complementary therapy does not have a generally accepted and reliably effective treatment regimen. The study and development of chemotherapy has led to the emergence of new drugs used in the postoperative period to prevent recurrence and therapy of micrometastases. However, despite the seemingly promising results of research on their use, none of the combinations of schemes statistically significantly changed the mortality and overall survival rates. The active search and discovery of highly specific markers, such as HER-2 and PD-L1 tumor receptors, has given new opportunities in treatment, which based on the targeted effect of the drug on the tumor ― targeted therapy. The possibilities of its use in routine practice are limited both by the complexities of molecular diagnostics and by the small number of studies on the use of drugs to fully evaluate the results. The preoperative stage of the drug treatment of gastric cancer has been introduced into clinical practice, however, the low level of reliability of the methods used at the staging stage does not allow us to fully judge its effectiveness. It is necessary to further study the effectiveness of combined treatment of patients with gastric cancer, compare the treatment regimens depending on the stage, form of growth and differentiation of the tumor. The article provides an overview of domestic and available foreign literature.
Key words: stomach cancer, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy.