D.V. Uklonskaya1-3, V.E. Chereshneva2, E.S. Berdnikovich2,4
1Institute of Correctional Pedagogy, Moscow
2Moscow City University, Moscow
3Central Clinical Hospital «RZD-Medicine», Moscow
4Research Center of Neurology, Moscow
Uklonskaya Daria V. ― Doct. of Sci. (Ped.), Associate Professor, Leading researcher at the Laboratory of Education and Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Children with Speech Disorders of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy; Professor of the Department of Socio-Psychological Technologies and Correctional and Developmental Techniques of the Moscow City University; speech therapist of the department of head and neck tumors of the Central Clinical Hospital «RZD-Medicine»
8 Pogodinskaya Str., build. 1, Moscow, 119121, Russian Fedetarion, tel. +7-916-591-97-85, e-mail: d_uklonskaya@mail.ru, SPIN-code (RSCI): 4005-5531, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2911-7224
Abstract. The article presents the main principles of prehabilitation, aimed at predicting postoperative difficulties and carrying out preventive pedagogical impact for the early relief of postoperative functional disorders in persons with congenital and acquired speech disorders. The authors reveal the mechanisms of pre-adaptation for preparing the body to upcoming functional disorders. These mechanisms have a positive effect on the effectiveness of speech therapy work and the quality of life of the learner and his family and friends.
Key words: pre-adaptation, adaptation, prehabilitation, congenital and acquired speech disorders, speech therapy, psycho-pedagogical support.