V.Yu. Ivashkov1, A.V. Kolsanov1, P.N. Magomedova4, S.V. Semenov2, A.N. Nikolaenko1, R.I. Dakhkilgova3, I.G. Arutyunov2, A.A. Orlоv5, A.S. Bayramova21Samara State Medical University, Samara
2Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Moscow
3Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTEKH), Moscow
4Russian Scientific Center of Surgery named after akad. B.V. Petrovsky, Moscow
5RUDN University, Moscow
Ivashkov Vladimir Yu. ― Cand. of Sci. (Med.), main scientific advisor of NTI «Bionic Engineering in Medicine» of the Samara State Medical University
89 Chapaevskaya Str., Samara, 443099, Russian Federation, tel. +7-925-075-54-59, e-mail: vladimir_ivashkov@mail.ru, ORCID ID:0000-0003-3872-7478, SPIN-code: 4093-5452
Abstract. This article presents a case of successful using of the «AUTOPLAN» navigation complex and 3D printing while creation an individualized titanium mesh implant for giving the correct spatial orientation to a microsurgical flap from a fibula patient’s fragment with an acquired mandibular defect. The surgical stage of restoring the continuity of the lower jaw with a peroneal flap using an individual titanium plate is described. The developed method – customization of the design of titanium plates, allows an optimization the medical treatment and rehabilitation of patients with oral cancer. A significant reduction in the duration of the surgery, due to the absence of the flap size with the defect zone comparing stage. It should be mentioned, that the stage of dental implantation is improved by the absence of interference of screws positioning that fixes the plate. Moreover, risks of developing postoperative complications are minimized by the safe position of the implant placement.
Key words: mandibular reconstruction, free-flap fibula, oral cancer, additive technologies in reconstruction, titanium plate.