A.I. Ivanov1,3,4, V.A. Popov2, M.V. Burmistrov2,3, A.N. Chugunov4, M.A. Nazmeev2, R.R. Zaynutdinov2

1Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary of Ministry of Healthcare of Tatarstan Republic named after prof. M.Z. Sigal, Kazan

2Republican Clinical Hospital, Kazan

3Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan

4Kazan State Medical Academy ― Branch Campus of the FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH Russia, Kazan

Popov Vladimir A. ― endoscopist of the Department of Endoscopy, researcher of the research department of the Republican Clinical Hospital

138 Orenburskiy tract, building A, Kazan, 420064, Russian Federation, tel. +7-999-156-88-20, e-mail:

Abstract. The resolution of dysphagia in esophageal cancer remains an urgent task of modern medicine. To achieve this goal, today there are many options for providing palliative care, and each of which has its own disadvantages and advantages. Among them, stenting is an effective minimally invasive method that allows you to quickly restore the patency of the esophagus and improve the quality of life of patients. However, this technology does not exempt from complications, some of which can nullify the primary task of stenting, while others can lead to death. The article describes the current literature on the relevance of stenting, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

Key words: esophageal cancer, esophageal stenting, adenocarcinoma, gastrostomy.