A.N. Toropovsky1, A.G. Nikitin1, D.A. Viktorov1, G.R. Sadrtdinova1, A.S. Sergatenko1, Yu.V. Nazarova1, N.G. Kuklina1, O.N. Pavlova1, V.V. Maslyakov2

1TestGen LLC, Ulyanovsk

2Private institution educational organization of higher education «Medical University «Reaviz», Saratov

Contacts: Pavlova Olga Nikolaevna

44th driveway Engineering, 9, office 13, laboratory 33-34, Ulyanovsk, 432072, Russia

Pavlova Olga N. ― Doc. of Biol. Sc., Assistant Professor, researcher in TestGen LLC

9 44th passage Engineering, office 13, laboratory 33-34, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation, 432072, tel. +7-927-713-34-36, e-mail:

Abstract. Prostate cancer is one of the leading cancers in terms of lethality. Early diagnosis of prostate cancer is based on determining the level of serum prostatic specific antigen (PSA) and performing a puncture biopsy of the prostate, but this has led to an increase in the number of prostate biopsies performed, and a lowering of the age threshold for PSA has led to an increase in unjustified biopsies. New biomarkers for prostate cancer were therefore needed. PSA3 is a non-coding mRNA that is expressed exclusively by prostate cells. The peculiarity of using PCA3 marker in RPG diagnosis is the determination of the level of expression of PCA3 gene in urine samples after a prostate massage or without it. The high level of PCA3 in urine cellular deposition correlates with the high risk of PCA3 detection by biopsy results. Fresh or medium-linked samples are used to stabilize and preserve the RNA in urine sludge in patients with suspected prostate cancer. Thus, the aim of our study was to determine the optimal modes of preserving RNA in urine cell sediments for prostate cancer diagnosis. Different modes of urine residue storage were used in the work. It was found that the best RNA preservation in urine cell sediments with the longest storage time and the smallest RNA loss is 3 days at -20°C using a fixer. If it is necessary to store urine sediments for a long time (up to 14 days), a solution should also be used to stabilize and store the RNA at -20°C, while the level of RNA preservation decreases significantly (up to 16%).

Key words: PSA, PCA3, prostate cancer, cellular urine sediment.