O.N. Tsarev, S.A. Petrova, R.D. Khusnutdinov
Multidisciplinary Clinical Medical Center «Medical City», Tyumen
Tsarev Oleg N. ― head of oncology department №1, surgeon, plastic surgeon, oncologist
32 Barnaulskaya Str., Tyumen, Russian Federation, 624041, tel. (3452) 270-525, e-mail: otsarev@me.com
Biopsy of the signaling lymph node is a modern method of staging the locoregional prevalence of oncological pathology and allows determining the volume of surgery for breast cancer.
The purpose of the study ― to prove the effectiveness of radiopharmaceutical accumulation for mapping signal lymph nodes and to reduce the frequency of axillary lymphadenectomies.
Material and methods. The study was performed in 1345 primary patients with localized breast cancer aged 28 to 75 years, who were treated in the Multidisciplinary Clinical Medical Center «Medical City».
Results and discussion. The sensitivity of detection of watchdog oppose in patients with breast cancer according to our data is 90,3%, specificity of 100%.
Key words: breast cancer, biopsy of the sentinel lymph nodes.