УДК 616.65-006.04-079.1
E.A. Podolskaya
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kursk Regional Clinical Cancer Center, Kursk
Podolskaya E.A. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Head of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Kursk Regional Clinical Cancer Center
20 Pirogov Str., Kursk, Russian Federation, 305035, tel. +7-960-690-57-45, e-mail: eap25@mail.ru
Abstract. Growing incidence in conjunction with the significant progress in the treatment of prostate cancer make problem of diagnostics extremely urgent. The purpose of the study, reflected in this article, is to identify the characteristics of operation of ultrasound diagnostic services of Kursk and the Kursk region in the survey of prostate cancer patients. The study includes 224 patients, delivered on Cancer registration in Kursk Regional Clinical Oncology Center with a diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Ultrasound protocols are analyzed in various institutions of the Kursk region at all stages of diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, compared with other imaging modalities (CT, MRI and others), and definitive diagnosis.
Our study showes that ultrasound diagnostic medical primary care in malignant tumors of the prostate gland is not fully satisfactory, the main factor determining the effectiveness of the primary ultrasound ― service location. Thus, it is necessary: developing and implement of thematic improvement program, developing and implement legislation, governing and phasing examination of patients with prostate cancer.
Key words: prostate cancer, ultrasound diagnostics, cancer care, transrectal ultrasonography.