УДК 618.19-006.66-07
A.R. Khamitov, A.Kh. Ismagilov, N.A. Savelyeva, I.A. Kiyasov
Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan
Tatarstan Cancer Centre, Kazan
Kazan State Medical University, Kazan
Khamitov A.R. ― postgraduate student of the Department of Oncology, Radiology and Palliative Medicine of the Kazan State Medical Academy
11 Mushtari St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012, tel.: +7-917-290-90-25, (843) 295-44-83, e-mail: khamitovayrat@gmail.com
Abstract. Breast cancer is not only the leading cancer in women, but also tending to shift the peak incidence to younger age group. At the same time, despite the specificity of mammography and objectivity of magnetic resonance imaging indicators, difficulty in study of topographic- anatomical indicators of the tumor in the first and the high cost of research in the second, make ultrasound examination the method of choice. We conducted a prospective study and compared ultrasound examination results for breast cancer to the similar indications of histological study and found significant differences. However, linear regression analysis can give you «presumed» histologic parameters based on the actual US indicators, which, compared with the «true» histological parameters are not significantly different.
Key words: breast cancer, topographic-anatomical indicators of the tumor, histological study, ultrasound examination, linear regression.