УДК 616.329-006.363.03-089.87
R.E. Sigal, M.V. Burmistrov, E.I. Sigal, A.G. Sabirov
Tatarstan Саnсеr Center, Kazan
Sigal R.E. ― oncologist of the Тatarstan Саnсеr Center
29 SibirskiyTrakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420029, tel.: (843) 519-27-38, +7-927-248-33-35, e-mail: rodion_sigal@mail.ru
Abstract. We studied the morphological and functional features of benign submucosal esophageal tumors in 51 patients with varying levels of localization. Confirmed data on the prevalence of leiomyomas in histological and imunohistological characteristic submucosal tumors of this localization. In 36 patients imunohistological conducted a study in all cases revealed leiomyoma of the esophagus.
Key words: esophagus leiomyoma, esophagus, benign submucosal esophageal malignancy.