УДК 616.329-006.04-08-07
M.V. Aglullina1,2, N.A. Khasanova1,2, M.V. Burmistrov1-3, A.F. Khasanov1,2
1Tatarstan Саnсеr Center, Kazan
2Volga Region branch of N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Kazan
3Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan
Khasanova N.A. — Cand. Med. Sc., radiotherapist of radiology department №1 of the Tatarstan Саnсеr Center
29 Sibirskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420029, tel.: (843) 519-21-12, +7-906-112-95-43, e-mail: naylya51@mail.ru
Abstract. The use of neoadjuvant therapy followed by esophagectomy improves long-term results of treatment of patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer, but the results of several randomized trials have shown that the survival benefits are only patients with significant pathologic response to neoadjuvant therapy. Assessment of tumor response is an important criterion in determining the effectiveness of chemo-radiotherapy planning and correction stages of treatment, the continuation of the feasibility of operation if chemo-radiation therapy and prognosis of the disease in patients with esophageal cancer. X-ray method is not conclusive in the assessment of tumor response to treatment. Endoscopic study after 2-4 weeks is more informative and therefore should be compulsory on a par with PET/CT for assessment of tumor response after chemo-radiotherapy.
Кеу words: esophageal cancer, neoadjuvant therapy, tumor response.