УДК 616-006.39, 616-006.3.03.
E.P. Krivoschekov, S.V. Kozlov, O.I. Kaganov, A.V. Lysenko, K.V. Samoylov
Samara State Medical University, Samara
Samara Cancer Center, Samara
Lysenko A.V. ― surgeon of the Department of roentgenosurgical methods of diagnosis and treatment of the Samara Cancer Center
50 Solnechnaya Str., Samara, Russian Federation, 443031, tel. +7-917-107-35-55, e-mail: Lysenko_anatolij@mail.ru
Abstract. Submitted the result of applying the method of preoperative embolization in the treatment of retroperitoneal tumor. The method is based on preoperative embolization of feeding vessels of the tumor, followed by its removal.
Key words: retroperitoneal tumor, embolization, intra and postoperation complications.