УДК 616.351-006.6-037-08-039.11:[615.28+615.849]-036.8-091
I.V. Stepanov1,2, S.R. Аltybaev2, K.V. Rachkovskiy2, M.V. Zavyalova1,2, S.V. Vtorushin1,2, S.G. Аfanasev1
1Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk
2Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk
Аfanasev S.G. ― D. Med. Sc., Professor, Chief Researcher of the Thoracic and Abdominal Department of Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 Kooperatyvny Str., Tomsk, Russian Federation, 634009, tel. (3822) 41-80-89, e-mail: AfanasievSG@oncology.tomsk.ru
Abstract. Parameters of primary tumor, such as invasion depth, differentiation degree, existence of a metastatic lesion of lymph nodes at patients with cancer of a rectum were studied. It was investigated, operational swore at from 149 patients undergoing the combined treatment in thoracoabdominal department of the Tomsk Cancer Research Institute. Average age of patients made 57.6±9.3 years. There were 95 men (63.8%), women ― 54 (36.2%). Communication between frequent lymphogenous metastasises and existence of a phenomenon of a retraction around different types of tumoral structures at a different depth of an invasion was estimated. In the conducted research it was shown that existence of a retraktsionny cleft on the periphery of tumoral structures can be bound to risk of a lymphogenous innidiation at rectum cancer.
Key words: rectal cancer, lymphogenous metastasises, retraction phenomenon.