Abstract. In connection with the development of new possibilities of choice of tactics and approach to the therapy of metastatic colorectal cancer opened the prospects for long-term management of this category of patients. All this allows to change the concept of therapy, moving with metastatic colorectal cancer from the category of fatal diseases in the chronic category, when long-term treatment allows to control the process, choose various options for redundancy schemes in a number of patients over the years.
Key words: metastatic colorectal cancer, targeted therapy, regorafenib.
N.V. Mikhaylova, A.N. Phayrushina
Tatarstan Cancer Center, Kazan
Mikhaylova N.V. ― head of day hospital №1 of the Tatarstan Cancer Center
29 Sibirskiy Tract, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420029, tel.: (843) 232-02-01, +7-987-239-32-02, e-mail: nadezhda.mihailo@mail.ru