УДК 616.329-006.363.03-089.87

E.I. Sigal, Rodion E. Sigal, M.V. Burmistrov, Roman E. Sigal

Tatarstan Саnсеr Center, Kazan

Sigal Rodion E. – oncologist of the Тatarstan Саnсеr Center

29 Sibirskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420029, tel.: (843) 519-27-38, +7-927-248-33-35, e-mail:

Abstract. We analysed video-assisted thoracoscopy (VATS) in diagnosing and treatment of esophagus leiomyoma (LE). 15 VATS esophagus operations were performed in Tatarstan Cancer Center from 1997 to 2015 concerning leiomyoma. The average age is 48,1 (26-74). Mostly men have been operated ― 9 people, women ― 6 people. Among these leiomyoma has been localized in 2 patients in the upper esophagus, in 10 patients ― in the middle part, and in 3 patients ― in the lower part. Postoperative lethality hasn’t been observed. Conversion wasn’t needed. Showing the technical aspects of surgery. They discussed the results of the postoperative period.

Key words: thoracoscopy (VATS), esophagus leiomyoma, esophagus, benign submucosal esophageal malignancy, complications.

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