УДК 618.16-006.04-089
E.L. Dikareva1,2, D.Yu. Konovalov2, V.I. Kim2
1Orenburg Regional Clinical Oncology Center, Orenburg
2Orenburg State Medical University, Orenburg
Dikareva E.L. ― Head of the Gynecology Department of Orenburg Regional Oncology Center
11 Gagarin Ave., Orenburg, Russian Federation, 460021, tel. +7-922-543-39-25, e-mail: orenonco.dikareva @ rambler.ru
Abstract. Results of treatment of 245 patients of the Orenburg Regional Clinical Oncology Center (ORCOC) with cancer of the vulva I-IV stage of the disease with different histological structure using different methods of special treatment for the period from 1995 to 2015. The main and most effective method of treatment for these patients is surgical technique. The radicality of surgical intervention are largely determined outcomes cancer vulva. The analysis of results of surgical treatment of patients with cancer vulvar testing using standard methods of surgical intervention and with reconstructive plastic surgery (the method of closing the wound defect displaced skin-fascial flap on the leg, the proposed A.V. Zharov, Ural State Medical Academy of additional education). Shown a significant decrease in early and late complications of surgical treatment using reconstructive plastic surgeries, improve treatment results cancer (decrease local recurrence, increased 5-year survival rate, improve the quality of life of patients). In the gynecology department ORCOC proposed to use in fixing the displaced skin-fascial flap to the vaginal wall single continuous suture. This technique made it possible to adapt the maximum layers of loose-surface tissues together. This reduces the possibility of hypertrophic and keloid scars. Reduce the number of long-term postoperative complications ― dysuria, vaginal stenosis, improving the quality of life of patients.
Key words: malignant neoplasms of the vulva, reconstructive and plastic surgery.
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