УДК 616.25-006.32-089.87
K.G. Zhestkov, R.T. Yaduta
Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Russian Ministry of Healthcare, Moscow
Yaduta R.T. ― postgraduate student of the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Russian Ministry of Healthcare
2/1 Barrikadnaya St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 125993, tel. +7-925-024-06-54, e-mail: yadutarus@me.com
Abstract. According to world literature, the proportion of metastatic pleurisy remains very high. The presence of pleurisy is a key factor in lowering the quality of life of patients, and the continuation of the combined anti-tumor therapy is possible after the evacuation of fluid. The trend of recent years becomes active surgical tactics in metastatic pleurisy. On the basis of studies in cadaver material offered advanced equipment thoracoscopic pleurectomy and decortication of the lung, which has been tested in clinical practice, as a variant of cytoreductive surgery and method of obliteration of the pleural cavity in patients with metastatic pleurisy.
Key words: metastatic pleural effusion, pleural cavity obliteration, VATS P/D.
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