УДК 616-089.8, 616-72
T.A. Agliullin2, A.F. Agliullin1,2, V.V. Purtov2
1Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev ― KAI, Kazan
2Research-and-Production Company «MFS», Kazan
Agliullin A.F. ― director of Research-and-Production Company «MFS», Associate Professor of the Department of Radiophotonics and Microwave Technologies (MWPT) of Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev ― KAI
163A Adelya Kutuya St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420110, tel.: (843) 298-64-48, 298-64-58, e-mail: mfsmed@mail.ru
Abstract. Nowadays the problem of choosing the most effective methods of teaching the technique of endoscopic operations is very urgent. This paper presents a comparative analysis of endosurgical trainers and video simulators, designed for improving of laparoscopic skills of surgeons, oncologists and gynecologists.
Key words: endoscopic box trainer, video simulator, oncologic surgery, gynecological surgery.
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