УДК 616.24-006-072
V.N. Korolev1, M.S. Burdyukov2,3, I.Yu. Surovtsev1, E.A. Sazhina4
1«EVIMED» Ltd., Chelyabinsk
2N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow
3Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Russian Ministry of Healthcare, Moscow
4Regional Clinical Hospital №3, Chelyabinsk
Korolev V.N. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Deputy Director, Endoscopist «EVIMED» Ltd.
9B Blucher St., bld. 10/22, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, 454000, tel. (351) 220-12-22, e-mail: vl_korolyov@mail.ru
Objective ― to evaluate the use of endobronchial ultrasonography EBUS-TBNA bronchoscope using Convex miniprobe and ultrasound for the diagnosis of lung neoplasms peribronchial and mediastinal organs.
Method. Use the technique of fine-needle aspiration biopsy and transbronchial biopsy forceps and evaluated the results of the study in 183 patients. In the proposed method surveyed Convex ultrasound bronchoscope or ultrasonic miniprobe with further fine-needle aspiration biopsy and biopsy forceps model «Essen».
Results. In 152 cases out of 183 (83.0%), the correct diagnosis was made. In cases of using miniprobe compared using a bronchoscope Convex efficiency was approximately the same: 84.6% using a bronchoscope and 81.7% when using miniprobe [p=0,89, χ²]. Depending on the location of the most successful for diagnosing lymph nodes were seven zones (35 of 37 cases (94.6%)) was the most difficult 2R zone (8 out of 16 cases (50%) [p=0,003, χ²]). In 3 (1.6%) of patients developed mild bleeding within 50 ml. In 2 (1.1%) patients after a biopsy forceps 2 lymph node area during the first days developed slight subcutaneous emphysema in the neck. Serious complications were encountered. Deaths were not.
Conclusion. EBUS-TBNA ― effective method of sampling for cytological and histological examination of the lungs peribronchial and mediastinal tumors, has advantages over other methods of verification of these tumors.
Key words: endobronchial ultrasonography, fine needle aspiration biopsy, diagnosis of tumors of the lungs and mediastinum.