УДК 618.19-006.66-079.1
V.E. Gazhonova1,2, M.P. Efremova1,2, Е.A. Dorokhova3
1Joint Hospital and Polyclinic of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2Central State Medical Academy of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow
3Clinical Hospital of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Efremova M.P. ― Doctor of Ultrasonic Diagnostics, surgeon of the Joint Hospital and Polyclinic of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, postgraduate student of the Department of radiodiagnosis of the Central State Medical Academy of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation
6 Michurinsky Av., Moscow, Russian Federation, 119330, tel.: +7-965-103-87-61, +7-918-693-74-95, e-mail: frem13@mail.ru
Abstract. Breast cancer is considered to be a heterogeneous group of diseases. Up to date, four breast cancer molecular subtypes are known: luminal type A, luminal type B, HER2-positive, TN subtypes. With the beginning of the active introduction the molecular classification of breast cancer into the practical health care, the researchers tried to establish a link between the visual characteristics of breast cancer, the degree of malignancy (Grade) and the molecular subtype of tumor. In our study we examined the relationship between molecular subtype, morphology, the degree of malignancy and visual characteristics of breast cancer obtained by a new method of automated whole breast ultrasonography (ABWS). In our study included 45 women (from 38 till 78 years old) with the 54 breast cancer cases. Using ABWS scanning we evaluated the phenomenon of «radiance» in the lump, because we considered this feature to be the most informative for breast cancer. We have found a statistically significant relationship between the molecular type of breast cancer and the age of patients, their menstrual function, histological type, Grade, the expression of «radiance» phenomenon, ARFI meaning.
Key words: breast cancer, automated whole breast ultrasonography, «radiance» phenomenon.
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