УДК 616-006.66, 617-089.844, 616-08-035
V.G. Ivanov1, M.A. Volokh2, E.V. Ermilova2, S.I. Fedosov2, I.A. Voznuk3, M.N. Vorobjeva
1Research Institute of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov, Saint-Petersburg
2North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Saint-Petersburg
3Saint-Petersburg I.I. Dzanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine
Ivanov V.G. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Senior Researcher of the Research Institute of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov
68, Leningradskaya St., Pesochny settlement, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197758, tel. +7-901-372-28-06, e-mail: doctorivanov@msn.com
Abstract. Tissue expansion is a well-established breast reconstruction technique characterized by high success rates and high patient satisfaction. Subpectoral placement of a tissue expander is associated with significant pain and discomfort in the immediate post-operative period and during the phase of tissue expansion. In our practice we use the botulotoxinum A for relieve the pain and the period of tissue expansion. This aspect has never been studied in breast cancer survivors who elect to pursue breast reconstruction with tissue expanders.
Кеу words: breast саnсеr, breast reconstruction, Botox, botulotoxinum A.