УДК 618.19-006.66-089.844

A.D. Zikiryakhodzhaev, M.V. Ermoshchenkova

Moscow P.A. Gerzen's Cancer Research Institute ― branch of The National Medical Research Radiologic Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Ermoshchenkova M.V. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Researcher of the Department of Oncology and reconstructive plastic surgery of the breast and skin of The Moscow P.A. Gerzen's Cancer Research Institute ― branch of The National Medical Research Radiologic Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
3 2nd Botkinsky pr., Moscow, Russian Federation, 125284, tel. +7-926-530-92-84, e-mail:


Primary breast reconstruction with proper selection of patients is promising and in some cases the preferred method of treatment for breast cancer. Reconstruction methods are divided into three groups: reconstruction using synthetic materials (expanders and implants, own tissue, and combinations thereof. The article presents the relevance of the use of synthetic implants in the surgical treatment of breast cancer (BC).

Materials and methods. The article presents the relevance of the use of synthetic implants in the surgical treatment of breast cancer. The experience of Moscow P.A. Gerzen's Cancer Research Institute of use titanian mesh implants in breast reconstruction represents in 10 patients, among which is stage 0 of breast cancer TisN0M0 was installed in 3 cases, stage I T1N0M0 ― 4, stage IIA T1N1M0 ― 1, T2N0M0 ― 2. The technique of radical subcutaneous mastectomy with simultaneous reconstruction titaninum mesh implant and silicone implant reports. Cosmetic results were assessed as excellent in 70% cases, good in 30%.

The results and conclusion. Postoperative complications was 10% (1 case). Accordingly formulated conclusions, mesh implant TiLOOP Bra large size can be used for immediate and delayed breast reconstruction in cancer early stages, there is no need for postoperative radiation therapy. The material is stretchy, evenly distributed in tissues. The use of mesh implants allows you to keep a possible donor area from the use of the muscle autografts, to avoid defects of the donor areas; to increase subpectoral space for placing the necessary amount of silicone implants, thus replacing autologous grafts; to reduce the time of surgery; to reduce the volume of blood loss; to get a good/excellent cosmetic results. The conducted researches allow to recommend the mesh implant TiLOOP Bra for widespread use in reconstructive plastic surgery for cancer of the breast.

Key words: breast cancer, skin sparing radical mastectomy, subcutaneous radical mastectomy, breast reconstruction, mesh implant.