УДК 614.2: 616-093/-098
L.G. Karpenko, O.G. Novikova, M.S. Gerasimova
Tatarstan Cancer Center, Kazan
Karpenko L.G. ― deputy chief physician at the medical of the Tatarstan Cancer Center
29 Sibirskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420029, tel. (843) 519-26-02, e-mail: Luiza.Karpenko@tatar.ru
Abstract. Each year epidemiological monitoring of hospital microflora is performed in Tatarstan Cancer Center. It is done to ensure infection control, organize epidemiological control, create a database of causative agents that are circulating in hospital flora. During past 3 years we`ve performed 6183 bacteriological examinations of tests from patients and 16061 hospital-bacteriological tests. We`ve carried out analysis of the structure of postoperative complications, deciphered ethiological structure of hospital microflora, calculated coefficient of microflora diversity. Due to the results of analysis we are going to arrange special actions to improve microflora and the quality of antiepidemic events in Tatarstan Cancer Center
Key words: epidemiological monitoring, bacteriological examinations, ethiological deciphering, microflora, cancer patients.