G.A. Usmanova, E.F. Zaynutdinova, G.Z. Shaykhrazieva
Tatarstan Cancer Center, Kazan
Usmanova G.A. ― head of Clinical diagnostic laboratory of the Tatarstan Cancer Center
29 Sibirskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420029, tel. (843) 519-26-94, e-mail: RKOD.ImmLab@tatar.ru
The aim of the study is to conduct and analyze the results of oncoscreening prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.
The immunological method was used to analyze the level of the common PSA, which allows to detect prostate cancer in men and the level of hidden blood in men and women, which allows to detect colorectal cancer in the early stages in the population of the Republic of Tatarstan in 44 districts in 2016.
In the process of diagnosis during the clinical examination in 2016 on the basis of Tatarstan Cancer Center were examined 31334 patient to the level of total PSA and 61448 patient to the level of the HB. Analyzing the data obtained for 2014-2016, it is evident that the percentage of pathology during the examination ranged from 8.5-10.5 percent, which steadily indicates an increase in early detection of prostate and rectum cancer.
In order to reach the population more fully, there is a need to increase public awareness of the need for early detection of malignant neoplasm.
To minimize discrepancies at the field-pre-analytical phase to do extra work on the training of medical staff on rules of collection, transportation and processing of biological material in health care organizations.
Key words: prophylactic medical examination, oncoming in prostate cancer, oncoming for colon cancer, prostatic specific antigen, occult blood.