Current issue of the magazine. Volume 15, N3. 2024 г.
Clinical research and experience in oncology
P.V. Bulychkin, S.I. Tkachev, V.B. Matveev, A.V. Khachaturyan, A.A. Kufelkina
«Salvage» radiation therapy after radical prostatectomy: the results of 15 years of clinical practice
B.I. Gataullin, I.G. Gataullin, R.G. Biktemirova
Morbidity and mortality from malignant neoplasms in the BRICS countries: a comparative analysis and opportunities for cooperation
R.I. Kunafina, I.V. Asfandiyarova, M.V. Loginova, D.D. Sakaeva
Features of chemotherapy for metastatic bladder cancer in clinical practice
K.V. Menshikov, D.O. Lipatov, A.V. Sultanbaev, A.F. Nasretdinov, Sh.I. Musin, I.A. Menshikova, N.I. Sultanbaeva, R.R. Abdeev, К.I. Murzakhanova, A.D. Ibragimova
Application of lenvatinib in real clinical practice. Experience of the Republic of Bashkortostan
D.V. Uklonskaya, V.E. Chereshneva, E.S. Berdnikovich
The role of pre-adaptation and adaptation in the correction of speech disorders
Literature review
I.I. Abdullin, K.V. Menshikov, A.V. Sultanbaev, E.V. Popova, O.N. Lipatov
Sorafenib in HCC: real clinical practice. Literature review
A.V. Pushkarev, M.G. Galeev, V.A. Pushkarev, M.R. Mukhametdinov
Surgery methods of breast cancer treatment: historical aspects and modern view
G.G. Torgomyan, N.M. Kiselev, V.E. Zagainov, S.V. Gamayunov
Neoadjuvant immunotherapy for patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. Literature review
Clinical case
V.E. Askarov, K.V. Menshikov, Sh.I. Musin, A.F. Nasretdinov, N.I. Sultanbaeva, I.A. Menshikova, A.V. Sultanbaev
Experience of using PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor prolgolimab in real clinical practice in a patient with multiple metastases of melanoma from an unknown primary site
A.V. Pushkarev, A.A. Izmailova, A.A. Izmailov, M.G. Galeev, R.T. Ayupov
Methods of breast reconstruction after mastectomy using endoprostheses
R.I. Kunafina, O.N. Lipatov, I.V. Asfandiyarova, A.Kh. Muzafarov, A.I. Iskhakova, E.I. Kankumasheva, E.R. Siraeva, R.K. Fazlinurov, N.O. Yuldasheva
Long-term therapy of refractory Hodgkin’s lymphoma (clinical case)
K.V. Menshikov, A.V. Sultanbaev, Sh.I. Musin, R.B. Valiakhmedov, V.S. Chalov, M.M. Zamilov, I.A. Menshikova, N.I. Sultanbaeva, I.I. Abdullin, R.F. Zakirova
Prolgolimab in the first line of treatment of metastatic melanoma. Literature review. Clinical observation
A.F. Nasretdinov, A.V. Sultanbaev, Sh.I. Musin, K.V. Menshikov, R.T. Ayupov, G.A. Serebrennikov, V.E. Askarov, L.K. Zakirova, N.I. Sultanbaeva, A.A. Izmailov
A clinical case of treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer with ROS1 translocation