УДК 616.32/-34-009.7-036.12-08
M.S. Burdyukov1,2, I.N. Yurichev1,2, A.M. Nechipay2, M.E. Isakova1, B.I. Dolgushin1
1N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow
2Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Russian Ministry of Healthcare, Moscow
Burdyukov M.S. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Senior Researcher of Endoscopy Department of the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Associate Professor of Endoscopy Department of Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Russian Ministry of Healthcare
23 Kashirskoe highway, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115478, tel. +7-903-686-40-54, e-mail: burdyukov@rambler.ru
Abstract. Chronic abdominal pain syndrome is present in most oncology diseases of abdominal cavity as well as in chronic pain form of chronic pancreatitis. Despite development of new chemotherapeutic drugs, new surgical methods of treating pain, pain management the patients is still a dilemma as each of the methods has its own complications. Also each methods has their own deficiencies. One of the methods is percutaneous under US and CT-control and the other is neurolysis under endoscopic ultrasound control. Both methods are very useful and cause less complications. We performed a study to asses pain syndrome dynamics after endoscopic neurolysis and reveal most common response pattern to the method.