A.F. Khasanov1, M.V. Burmistrov1, A.Zh. Baialieva1, R.Ya. Shpaner1, N.A. Khasanova2, S.I. Bebezov2
1Republican Clinical Hospital of the MH of RT, Kazan
2Tatarstan Cancer Center, Kazan
Khasanov A.F. ― doctor of anesthesiology and reanimatology of Republican Clinical Hospital of the MH of RT
138 Orenburgskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420064, e-mail: anvar.kha@mail.ru
Abstract. The history of the development of esophageal cancer surgery from the beginning of the XXth century to 60-ies of XX century, the development of various methods of anesthesia, general and regional anesthesia, мechanical ventilation of the lungs in thoracic surgery and the surgical treatment of esophageal oncopathology are presented. The role of Russian scientists in the emergence of anesthesiology as a separate scientific medical discipline, study and development of methods of anesthesia, ways to combat deficiencies in general anesthesia, in the formation of the basic principles of esophagus surgery is highlighted.
Кеу words: thoracic surgery, oesophagectomy, total anesthesia, regional anesthesia, respiratory support.