M.A. Utkuzova, M.V. Belousova, V.F. Prusakov, A.A. Utkuzov
Kazan State Medical Academy ― Branch Campus of the FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH Russia, Kazan
Utkuzova M.A. ― PhD (Medicine), associate professor of the department of children’s neurology of Kazan State Medical Academy ― Branch Campus of the FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH Russia
11 Mushtari Str., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012, tel. +7-917-269-57-44, e-mail: utkuzova.marina@gmai.com
Abstract. The review presents current information on the issue of cancer alertness in the practice of pediatric neurologist. Brain tumors are the most common form of malignant neoplasms in childhood. Lack of early diagnosis, misinterpretation of the observed symptoms, delayed access to specialists ― all these factors are crucial in relation to the outcome of the disease. The article considers general cerebral and focal symptoms of tumors depending on the topical localization of the pathological process in detail. Clinical features, specificity of the course and manifestation of brain tumors of children are presented.
Key words: brain tumor, childhood, early detection, topical diagnosis, organic brain damage.