A.F. Khalirakhmanov1,2, E.A. Gaziev2, S.V. Zinchenko1, A.R. Abashev2
1Kazan Federal University, Kazan
2University Hospital, Medical part of Kazan Federal University, Kazan
Khalirakhmanov A.F. — PhD, Doctor of the Department of X-ray diagnostic methods and treatment of University Hospital, Medical part of Kazan Federal University
1a Chekhov Str., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420043, e-mail: ai.bolit@mail.ru
Abstract. Cardiovascular diseases and oncology are the leading causes of mortality. The considerable progress in the detection and treatment many oncological diseases in recent decades lead to a significant increase in survival rate. The article describes the specificities of management this group of patients in the cardiac catheter laboratory.
Key words: cardio-oncology, coronary heart disease, percutaneous coronary interventions, oncology.