M.M. Nasrullayev, M.N. Nasrullayev, М.М. Nasrullayev

Tatarstan Cancer Center, Kazan

Kazan State Medical Academy — Branch of the FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH Russia, Kazan

 Nasrullaev M.M. — PhD (Medicine), oncologist of Oncology Department of the Tatarstan Cancer Center

31 Sibirskiy trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420029, tel. +7-919-634-32-18, e-mail:


Prostate cancer dominates in the structure of malignant diseases in men in the last decade. Detection of prostate cancer in the early stages is an urgent problem.

The aim is to study the possibilities of complex echography in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. Material and methods. 127 patients which age was 69,7±6.9 years were examined. All underwent digital rectal examination, determination of the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood serum, ultrasound examination in the mode, using the techniques of energy dopplerography, sonoelastography. All 127 patients underwent multifocal transrectal biopsy under ultrasound control followed by a morphological study of the resulting material.

Results. With digital rectal examination an increase in the size of the gland in 113 patients was found, an increase in gland density in 60 patients, and the presence of separate nodes of increased density in 51 patients. The average level of prostate-specific antigen in the serum of the patients was 19.9±7.49 g/ml. In a transrectal ultrasound study, a hypoechoic focus was detected in 67 patients, in 25 patients it was isohogenic and in 33 focus-mixed echogenicity, and in 2 patients ― hyperechoic. In 95 patients was detected a pathological vascularization with disintegration and deformation of the vascular pattern. After the course of conservative therapy an increase in tumor echogenicity with the subsequent formation of fibrous tissue by 12 months was revealed. In the transrectal ultrasound study using Doppler techniques to complete the treatment, hypervascularization of the gland and tumor tissue was noted. A significant decrease in 3 months, and by 12 months the vessels in the tumor region were not visualized. Using modern methods of ultrasound diagnostics in a complex allows to increase the efficiency of prostate cancer diagnosis, which undoubtedly contributes to the selection of rational treatment tactics.

Key words: prostate cancer, ultrasound, prostate specific antigen, Gleason scale.