V.V. Skvortsov, M.Yu. Vlasov
Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd
Skvortsov V.V. ― D. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the Volgograd State Medical University
1 Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd, 400131, Russian Federation, tel. (8442) 37-26-92
Abstract. Medullary thyroid cancer is a rare hormonal-active malignant thyroid tumor that originates from parafollicular cells (C-cells). It is one of four types of thyroid cancer (follicular, papillary, medullary and anaplastic). It occupies the third place in terms of prevalence among oncological organ lesions. It is from 5 to 10% of the total number of malignant tumors of the thyroid gland.
Key words: medullary cancer, diagnosis, treatment, observation, forms, features of cancer.