A.N. Zhigulev, V.Yu. Mishlanov, A.V. Katkova

Perm State Medical University named after E.A. Wagner, Perm

Zhigulev A.N. ― postgraduate student of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases №1 of Perm State Medical University named after E.A. Wagner

26 Petropavlovskaya Str., Perm, Russian Federation, 614000, tel.: (342) 217-10-31, +7-922-358-35-41, e-mail: anzhigulev@inbox.ru


Objective ― analysis of efficiency of the interactive automated system for syndrome diagnosis of digestive system diseases named «Electronic Polyclinic».

Data and methods. In 2011, a software was developed that was aimed at determining groups of patients requiring additional profound further examination. This electronic source (certificate №2012614202 of 05.12.2012) is deployed in the Internet (http://klinikcity.ru) and contains 7 units, including oncological one. This paper presents results of examination of patients with duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis, chronic pancreatitis (40 people) and a group of patients with stomach tumors (40 people). The control group included apparently healthy people (61 people). The study is designed as an interactive questionnaire using the «Electronic Polyclinic» automated system. To verify the diagnosis, patients underwent laboratory and instrumental diagnosis according to standards of care and clinical guidelines. The obtained data was statistically analyzed using the Statistics 10.0 software.

Results. The analysis showed that inflammatory diseases feature anticardium pain, epigastric burning, nausea, vomiting, altered defecation pattern, that is, a more frequent defecation and changes in stool consistency. In single cases, hyperthermia and malabsorption are registered. The sensitivity of the revealed symptoms is 60±10%, and their specificity is 77.8±5.8%. The patients of the second, oncological group, showed the following symptoms: food eructation and gaseous eructation, nausea, vomiting, altered defecation pattern, that is, constipation. The important patterns revealed in the oncological group were hyperthermia, cachexia, and anaemia. The sensitivity of the revealed symptoms is 65±10%, and their specificity is 84.8±13.2%.

Conclusions. The revealed patterns allow us to justify the viability of interactive methods of pre-syndrome diagnosis to optimize instrumental and laboratory patient examination to reduce mortality of population due to gastrointestinal diseases, particularly, diseases aggravated with stomach cancer.

Key words: malignant tumors, stomach cancer, questionnaire, early diagnosis, patterns.