M.M. Nasrullayev, M.N. Nasrullayev, М.М. Nasrullayev

Tatarstan Cancer Center, Kazan

Kazan State Medical Academy ― Branch of the FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH Russia, Kazan

Nasrullaev M.M. ― Cand. Med. Sc., oncologist of Oncology Department of the Tatarstan Cancer Center

31 Sibirskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420029, tel. +7-917-231-65-74, e-mail:


Introduction. Breast cancer is in the first places among malignant tumors in women, being an urgent medical and social problem for most countries of the world. In Russia, the structure of malignant neoplasms in women with breast cancer amounted to 21.0%, occupying a leading position.

Material and methods. 310 patients with breast tumors were examined. A comprehensive examination including mammography, traditional ultrasound, and ultrasound angiography was performed.

Results. It was found that malignant tumors are characterized by the concentration in the area of the tumor vascular node with a predominant location in the periphery and increased vascularization of breast tissue, as well as high rates of the linear blood flow rate of Vmax — 0.34±0.05 m/s. In benign tumors, hemodynamic parameters varied within VMS of 0.19±0.02 m/s -0.14±0.02 m/s. With qualitative assessment of the CDK with energy dopplerography, an increase in the number of vessels in the peripheral zone in malignant tumors of the breast was revealed 60.0% of observations; the distribution of blood vessels, both on the periphery and in the center of the tumor node was revealed in 20.0% of cases; the absence of blood flow in the tumor node was noted in 15.6% of cases. The developed differential diagnostic criteria of malignant and benign tumors, as well as the determination of the prevalence of the tumor process of the breast allows in each case to choose an adequate treatment in a short time. In the complex application of all the above methods of radiation research sensitivity was 93.8%, specificity — 88.6%.

Key words: breast cancer, fibroadenoma, cyst, nodular mastopathy, mammography, ultrasound.