A.A. Valiev1, I.R. Aglullin1,2, Z.M. Toychuev1, R.Sh. Kutdusov1, B.I. Gataullin1, A.K. Iglamov1, A.D. Khaziev1
1Tatarstan Cancer Center, Kazan
2Kazan State Medical Academy — Branch of the FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH Russia, Kazan
Valiev A.A. ― Cand. Med. Sc, doctor of oncology department №3 (abdominal) of the of the Tatarstan Cancer Center
29 Sibirskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420029, tel.: (843) 519-27-39, +7-962-553-31-07, e-mail: bulatg@list.ru
Abstract. This clinical case represents an example of successful application of the technical aspects of laparoscopic gastrectomy with intracorporeal formation of esophagoejnoanastamosis, lymphodissection of D2 in the surgical treatment of stomach cancer pT3N2M0 IIIA stage. Conducting laparoscopic gastrectomy and resection of the stomach with D2 lymphodissection is a technically feasible intervention, while achieving the necessary radicality and good cosmetic result, which is an important aspect for patients.
Key words: gastric cancer, laparoscopic gastrectomy, lymphadissection D2.