E.V. Kalinin1, P.V. Miroshnichenko2, O.M. Rossomakhina3

1Grozny Republican Oncologic Dispensary, Grozny

2Gudermes Central District Hospital, Gudermes

3Lugansk State Medical Universitynamed after St. Luke, Lugansk

Kalinin E.V. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Surgical Department at Grozny Republican Onclogic Dispensary

3 Okruzhnoy-15 Grozny, Russian Federation, 364029, tel. +7-989-922-74-92, e-mail:


Introduction. Often tumor invasion of main vessels is a contraindication to surgery. Integration of surgeons with different specialities allows to treat such patients.

Material and methods. 127 patients with GI tumors and retroperitoneal sarcomas and invasion to main vessels were operated in Lugansk Regional Clinical Oncology Center (1996-2015) and Grozny Oncological Center (2016-2017). Patients with tumor infiltration of major arterial and venous vessels (n=96) and true invasion of arterial and venous vessels (n=31).

The results. The results of surgery on the main vessels and organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space did not increase postoperative mortality and complications rate compare with surgery without resection of main vessels. Overall five-year survival rate was 39.6%. Overall 5 year survival rate for rectal cancer with the involvement of the main vessels ― 35.48%, kidney cancer ― 45.12%, retroperitoneal sarcomas ― 37.5%, pancreatic tumors ― none.

Conclusion. The results show the effectiveness and appropriateness of combined interventions in patients with tumor invasion to main vessels.

Key words: retroperitoneal sarcoma, tumors with invasion to main vessels, angioplasty.