Z.M. Sigal1, О.V. Surnina1,2
1Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Izhevsk
2Republican Clinical Diagnostic Center Ministry of Health Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk
Surnina O.V. ― Сand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of topographic anatomy and operative surgery department of the Izhevsk State Medical Academy; head of ultrasound diagnostics department in Republican Clinical Diagnostic Center Ministry of Health Udmurt Republic
87B Lenin Str., Izhevsk, Russian Federation, 426009, tel. (3412) 68-38-36, е-mail: uzd-ur@mail.ru
Abstract. Express differencial diagnostics of breast neoplasms is an intricate section in beam diagnostics.
Tasks. 1. Evaluation of the advantages of the method of ultrasound study and transillumination pulsooptometry in the express diagnostics of neoplasms of the breast. 2. To increase the accuracy for early diagnostics of breast cancer for the timely choice of surgical intervention.
Material and methods. We examined 532 patients aged from 30 to 50 years with breast cancer. Performed computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ductography, mammography. To study the pulse parameters of the intact and modified section on applied pylsemotorography by Z.M. Sigal (1981) [14].
Results. Reliably identified the amplitude of pulse oscillations and the optical density of malignant and benign neoplasms in transillumination pulsooptometry.
Conclusions. 1. Comparative characteristics of optical density in the cyst, fibroadenoma and malignant tumors is reliable, and comparative characterization of APO reliable only between a cyst and fibroadenoma. Comparative characteristics of optical density, and APO in compared with histological examination ranged from 84 to 93%. 2. Our proposed method of differencial diagnostics of breast neoplasms with the definition of APO and the optical density of the tumors gives an indication of the cyst in the value of the amplitude of pulse oscillations from 3,6 to 8,0 mm and optical density is less than 0,05, about fibroadenoma ― if the value of the amplitude of pulse oscillations more 17,33 mm and an optical density greater than 0,5, and a value of optical density is from 0,18 to 0,45 ― malignant neoplasm.
Key words: breast, neoplasms, cyst, optical density, ultrasound diagnostics.