A.N. Rudyk, M.A. Busygin, R.G. Khamidullin, V.A. Chernyshev, M.R. Khamitov, R.I. Minvaleev, V.V. Zhavoronkov, A.R. Utkuzov, M.S. Chernov
Tatarstan Cancer Centre, Kazan
Rudyk A.N. — Cand. Med. Sc., doctor of oncology department №5 of head and neck tumors of the Tatarstan Cancer Centre
29 Sibirskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420029, tel.: (843) 519-27-40, +7-905-020-21-40, e-mail: anruonco@gmail.com
Abstract. The given example presents clinical practice analysis concerning usage and application of 3D modeling and production of implants in medical work of Oncological Department №5 from 2015 to 2017, which specializes in head and neck tumor reconstructive operations and is the part of the Tatarstan Cancer Centre.
Key words: 3D implants, 3D modeling, reconstructive operations, oral cavity сancer.