L.A. Voropaeva, E.L. Dyuringer
Republic Clinical Oncology Center, Cheboksary
Dyuringer E.L. ― Head of the Quality Control Department of Medical Care at Republic Clinical Oncology Center
31 Gladkov Str., Cheboksary, Russian Federation, 428020, tel.: (8352) 56-29-43, +7-917-673-53-73, e-mail: rkod-chuv@med.cap.ru
Abstract. The article presents the organization of the work of the oncological service in the Chuvash Republic, the main statistical indicators, the indices of the medical process conducted by the oncological dispensary, introduction of new diagnostic methods, antitumor treatment and their results.
Key words: atatistical indicators, oncology service, Republic Clinical Oncology Center, morbidity of malignant neoplasms, mortality from malignant neoplasms, early diagnosis of cancer, neglect of oncological pathology, survival with morbidity of malignant neoplasms.