V.V. Tkachev, M.A. Senchukova, A.V. Klimushkin, I.E. Burnatov, A.V. Atasov
Orenburg Regional Clinical Oncology Center, Orenburg
Orenburg State Medical University, Orenburg
Tkachev V.V. ― head of the head and neck onc department of the Orenburg Regional Clinical Oncology Center
11 Gagarin Pr., Orenburg, Russian Federation, 460021, tel.: (3532) 68-08-56, +7-905-893-27-05, e-mail: vladorb@gmail.com
Abstract. A clinical case of the maxillary sinus sarcomatoid carcinoma is presented in this paper. The difficulties of the diagnosis and treatment of this localization malignant neoplasms as well as the possibility of obtaining a good result of treatment with a complex approach are noted.
Key words: maxillary sinus sarcomatoid carcinoma, diagnosis, complex treatment.