L.M. Nigmatullin1,2

1Tatarstan Саnсеr Center, Kazan

2Volga Region branch of N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Kazan

Nigmatullin L.M. ― Oncologist of the Clinic of Тatarstan Саnсеr Center

29 Sibirskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420029, tel. +7-953-999-98-53, e-mail: lendrik777@rambler.ru


Since the identification of the role of human papillomavirus by the Doctor Harald zur Hausen in the development of cervical cancer. It is now also established that the papillomavirus infection lies at the root of development of such malignant tumors as squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck ,oropharyngeal cancer, squamous cell carcinoma of the penic and etc.

Methods and material. Numerous studies are underway to determine the pathogenesis of the oncogenic process the main target areas of the virus with the purpose of developing prevention methods and treatment of oncological diseases associated with HPV. This article reviews the epidemiology of major HPV-related diseases, oncogenesis, as well as effectiveness of prevention and treatment for this group of pathological conditions. The review of the main malignant tumor diseases and also illumination of pathophysiological basis of oncogeneity of the papillomavirus and the main ways of treatment and prevention of HPV-infection. In view of the foregoing it`s obvious that the structure of the virus associated oncological diseases are very diverse. Understanding of these relationships can be key in the development of measures for the prevention  and treatment of these tumors.

Conclusion. The role of HPV is shown for many precancerous and cancers of the urogenital area. The viral nature of these diseases allows to develop vaccines with a purpose of reducing of oncological morbidity. The study of aspects of oncogenesis is based on development of drug therapy which is a promising alternative surgical treatment.

Key words: HPV, HPV-related diseases, cervical cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, HPV and bladder cancer, PDT.