S.P. Dmitriev1, D.A. Chichevatov1,2, E.N. Sinev1,2
1Regional Oncology Health Center, Penza
2PIFTPh – of the FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH Russia, Penza
Dmitriev S.P. ― surgeon-oncologist in head and neck, outpatient department of the Regional Oncology Health Center
37A Stroiteley Pr., Penza, Russian Federation, 440071, tel. (8412) 41-30-55, e-mail: sergei-fcsm@yandex.ru
Abstract. We present two cases of glosslaryngectomy with plastic of the defeciency of the oral diaphragm and pharynx by usage of the free visceral graft. Both patients suffer from the recurrent carcinoma of the root of tongue.
Key words: glossectomy, laryngectomy, visceral transplant, microsurgical reconstruction.